1. Why do we need a new community centre?
The current hall is over 55 years old, the fabric of the building is beginning to be beyond economic repair. The site is very restricted, particularly parking spaces. Access for vehicles is through a residential development and then via an un-adopted road in a poor state of repair.
A new community centre is required that is fit for modern use. This was mandated by the Village Survey held in 2010.
2. Where is the new community centre going to be built?
It was decided to build the new Community Centre on the Playing Field, School Lane.
3. Why that location?
The Village Hall and Sports Pavilion will be amalgamated at the Playing Field on the site of the existing pavilion. Similar to the Village Hall the Sports Pavilion is also in a poor state of repair and the changing facilities and kitchen do not meet modern standards. The Playing Field is owned by the Parish Council.
4. How much will the New Village Hall cost?
The last estimate was £1.2 million, this was pre-pandemic, it is anticipated the build cost has increased. We have appointed a Quantity Surveyor to forecast an accurate, current build cost. MJB Architects are currently producing detailed technical drawings to aid this. Once this work is complete a detailed business plan can be produced.
5. What about the playground?
We will work with the Parish Council to relocate the existing playground on the site and will engage with families and young people in the design of the playground as part of the project.
6. How did you get to this design?
We worked with local groups and users to draft an architect brief in 2016/ 2017. We appointed MJB Architects who developed the design over several months. The design was presented at two public meetings and at the Village Fayre. After feedback from user groups the design as amended. Planning permission was granted in 2019.
7. How much will it cost?
The last estimate was £1.2million. We have appointed a Quantity Surveyor to forecast an accurate, current build cost. MJB Architects are currently producing detailed technical drawings to aid this. We will up-date this figure as soon as we have it.
8. How will it be paid for?
It will be a mix of funding sources:
Sponsors and Benefactors
Fundraising Events
Community Investors/Crowd Funding initiatives
Potential section 106 developer contributions
9. So how much will it cost me?
The Trustees have no statutory power to look for funds from individual households. This would be a matter for the Parish Council to consider.
The Committee have been investigating all available grant and charity relief options and several grants have now been identified as potential major sources of funding. The Committee will continue to explore and apply for major grant funding from various charitable bodies including the National Lottery and Sport England.
It is our goal to find a significant % of funding through this route. We will also be looking for donors, sponsors and benefactors. The committee will continue to run fund raising events of our own. We plan to offer innovative ways for members of the community to invest in various aspects of the build.
The success of the project will also depend very much on the support of Villagers and local businesses to follow in the philanthropic footsteps of those who started the Village Hall almost one hundred years ago, and help to provide facilities for the next hundred years. We have already been blessed with several significant donations. With your help we know we can do it.
10. How much will it cost to hire the facilities?
The current hire cost of the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion are relatively low and reflect the facilities. The new pricing structure will consider peak and off peak rates plus concessions for parish groups. This will be developed in the business plan. Similar halls in neighboring Parishes will be bench-marked.
11. Who do you think will use it? Who is it for?
We want it to be a real community resource, for everyone in Hadlow Down and the surrounding area to use.
12. What will happen to the Old Village Hall?
The Hall on Hut Lane is owned by the Parish Council for the benefit of Parishioners. Once the New Hall is viable the PC will consult with the Community what should be done with the existing building and the land it sits on. This will be done by means of a public vote. The Parish Council applied for, and was granted outline planning permission for three dwellings on the site in 2019. This was done in order that the option to develop the site could be put to the village as one of the choices. Nothing will be done with the site until Parishioners have voted.
13. When will it be built?
We are aiming for the following –
QS Early 2022
Tender Spring/Summer 2022
Building works commence in 2023
14. Who are HDCC?
Hadlow Down Community Centre Trust are a charitable community trust set up to oversee the design, build and to operate the new community centre on behalf of the community.
15. Why is HDCC a charitable trust?
A village hall is a charitable community facility that is available to the public in a particular area for community-related recreational activities. Village halls are charitable because they are held on trust to be used for purposes set out by the Recreational Charities Act 1958.
16. Are HDCC linked
to the Parish Council?
The Committee was formed at the request of the Parish Council. No Parish
Councillors are allowed to be Trustees. HDCC are a completely independent
charity. A Parish Councillor attends HDCC committee meetings as a liaison but
does not vote on Committee matters.
17. When is HDCC AGM?
Their most recent AGM took place in July 2021, the next will be arranged for February 2022. Minutes are available on the website. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Dates are advertised on the Village Website.
18. How many car parking spaces will there be at the New Hall?
We are aiming for around 36 car park spaces
19. Are there facilities for the disabled?
The hall is fully accessible for those in wheelchairs and meets all current DDA regulations. There is a large lavatory especially equipped for the disabled. The hall and Sports facilities meet all regulations for Disabled Access.
20. How can I get involved?
There are several ways you can get involved;
Become a “Friend” of HDCC
Make a donation of time / money to HDCC
You could consider a “legacy” towards the project
Join the Committee
Become a Fund Raiser
21. Why is it so much bigger than the existing Hall?
The building is an amalgamation of the current Village Hall and the Cricket/Sports Pavilion. As such it is required to provide a number of functions, not least the provision of a replacement hall of sufficient size for multi-user groups, with adequate kitchen, storage and toilet facilities in accordance with modern building regulations . In addition to this, the project is required to include changing facilities for use in conjunction with the cricket pitch and playing field and a cricket pavilion to provide home to the village Cricket Club. The sports facilities must also provide the requisite secure storage for sports equipment and machinery.
Given the requirement to make this building as economically effective as possible and therefore deliverable, it was decided to contain all of the facilities required in one building envelope. The form and nature of the design must be kept simple in order to provide a simple and cost-effective means of construction, but also to create a visual appearance which fits within the setting.
More questions will be added to this list as they are asked. Residents are welcome to attend Committee meetings and or submit questions for the Committee to considera nd respond to. If you would like to ask a question or attend a meeting please e-mail Bob Lake bob.lake@live.co.uk;