Latest Lottery Winners

The 14th draw of the HDCC Lottery Club took place last night at the Village Societies AGM held at the Village Hall. Our thanks to all those who have recently renewed their subscriptions. The lucky winners are :

First Prize, ticket number 76 £146 – Joan Wiltshire
Second Prize, ticket number 224 £109.50 – Lindsey Waddington
Third Prize, ticket number 104 £36.50 – Bob Spencer

There are plenty of numbers available if you would like to join the club, please contact Janet Tourell –

Newspaper launched at Village AGM

We have been working on a Newspaper to be delivered to every household in the Parish. At our meeting in June 2021 we agreed that we would produce a newspaper focusing on progress, volunteering and fundraising for the New Village Hall.

Be amongst the first to receive a copy at the Village Societies AGM

Don’t worry if you can’t make the meeting we will be delivering one direct to your door in the next week or so. Here is a sneak preview straight from Sarah’s desk.

We hope to ensure that everyone in the community has access to our plans and a means of following along with progress especially if they are not connected digitally.

The newspaper was generously sponsored by Hunter Finance and designed by Dave Ladkin at Meaninful Design

If you would like a digital copy please contact Sarah –

Just Giving is now LIVE

We wanted to let you know that one of the ways we are raising money to build our New Village Hall is online. We are delighted to announce that we have a JustGiving fundraising page that means you can quickly and securely donate money to us or you can create your own fundraising event and support us through sponsorship.

We know that many of you are keen to support our fundraising efforts and we are delighted that we can now get the ball rolling. We will of course keep you updated on how we progress both here on the website and on our Facebook page. We know that if you’re here reading this you really care about the Village, if you would like to support us either through volunteering, fundraising and or donating please do get in touch. With thanks from us all.

Latest Lottery Winners

Lottery winners – last draw – Christmas Market 2019:

  1. Paul Presler (prize £161)
  2. Bill Hunter (prize £121)
  3. Bob Spencer (prize £35)

We are delighted that some of our winners have chosen to donate their winnings to our fundraising efforts – our thanks to them.

As you know we are now Fundraising in earnest for the first phase of building costs. We estimate we will require in the region of £1.2mto complete the build. The Community Centre Lottery will be one of many ways we hope to achieve this figure. There are three draws annually: at the Spring Market, the Village Fayre and the Christmas Market. If you would like to join the Lottery Club and contribute towards building our new centre please contact me and I will send you details.

Janet Tourell – Email:

Update from the last Public Meeting

The public meeting held by the Hadlow Down Community Centre Committee on Monday 3rd December was an important landmark in the development of the project for a new village hall and sports facilities.

The purpose of the meeting was not only to share with parishioners the design of the building and invite comment but also to map out future milestones; the most important being the lodging of a full planning application with Wealden District Council. This was submitted during the same week and although being led to believe that the validation period would be completed within approximately three weeks, we are still awaiting Wealden to do so.

In the meantime have had to have a Noise Survey undertaken (£1960 inc VAT) and payment of an additional planning fee of £462.

Now we are awaiting notification from Wealden Planners with regard to the beginning of the three week consultation period.  As soon as we are informed, we will let you know; this is a very important stage in the planning process and the outcome of the application will be hugely determined by the amount of local support provided.  We need as many as possible to respond with letters of support and we will advise nearer the time on how you can do this.

Finally, we know that the capital sum to be raised will be in the region of £1.2 million and we will need help in so many ways – marketing and promotion, fund-raising via modest and ambitious local events, fund-raising via social media platforms such as Just Giving, Crowd Funding, through donors, company giving and grants.  If you feel that you can help, please don’t hold back and lend us your support.

In the meantime, why not have a look at the Lottery page and for a minimum of £12 annually, you could take part and provide some financial support for the project?’


Bob Lake (Chair)